February is Heart Health Month, a time to raise awareness about cardiovascular wellness and encourage healthier lifestyles. At Trinity Senior Services, heart health is a top priority, with personalized care...
Formerly contracted therapy team, MJ Care, transitions to Milwaukee Catholic Home in-house staff. Milwaukee Catholic Home (MCH) and Trinity Senior Services (TSS) are pleased to announce the seamless transition...
Throughout the month of January, our A Life Engaged teams collaborated to bring this month’s theme, Inspire Your Heart with Art, to life across all our campuses. Through creative workshops,...
As the new year begins, January presents a unique opportunity to celebrate National Mentoring Month, a time dedicated to highlighting the transformative power of mentorship. At Trinity Senior Services, mentorship...
Farm Manager, Anna Metscher, highlights the exceptional work being done at Clare Gardens. As the snow piles high and long shadows stretch into the lengthening days, January is a special...
In life’s final season, every moment becomes precious. End-of-Life care is more than just a way to provide comfort; it’s a way to help individuals live fully and meaningfully in...
TRINITY WOODS’ GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE EFFORTS AND THE MMSD LUMINARY AWARD At Trinity Senior Services (TSS) and Trinity Woods (TW), we are deeply committed to environmental stewardship. Our green efforts not...
The Wisconsin State Fair, a cherished tradition and its connection to Clare Gardens Farm. The Wisconsin State Fair, one of the state's most cherished traditions, has a rich history dating...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, contact: Michelle Lammers mlammers@trinityseniorservices.org 414-748-9110 Trinity Senior Services to build on long tradition of community impactNew management company unites Milwaukee Catholic Home, abundance of services MILWAUKEE, WIS....
As we approach Father’s Day 2024, it’s essential to recognize not only the contributions of our biological fathers but also those of religious fathers, priests, and other fatherly figures who...