MCH Dining in the Journal Sentinel

Aug 4, 2014 | What's New

MCH was featured in a recent issue of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in an article spotlighting innovative and exciting developments in senior living dining.

MCH Executive Chef Chris Reinheimer

MCH Executive Chef Chris Reinheimer

The Milwaukee Catholic Home employs 17 chefs and cooks to prepare food, which is “such a huge social aspect of (the residents’) lives,” according to Chris Reinheimer, director of hospitality and dining services.

Reinheimer said chefs often use more herbs and cook foods that may seem on the sweeter side for a typical palette.

“Older people tend to like sweeter food because of changes in smell or taste buds. Different dishes become out of balance because of (the changes) and so the people pick up bitter or sour tastes,” Reinheimer said. “So we try to balance out their palette profiles.”

The Catholic Home offers a menu that changes weekly, and food is prepared about 20 feet from where residents eat on each floor, instead of using steam carts to transport the meals to one central location. The food is prepared restaurant style and options are not dependent on time of day, which increases residents’ choices, Reinheimer said.

Read the whole article here!